News Archive
Stay up to date with everything worth knowing about BAFATEX, e.g. about customer success stories, our new production and logistics building or the social dedication of our foundation.

BAFATEX supports „Lesebühne 24“
12. December 2024/by Jörg Gastmann
BAFATEX Yarn Donation to Ukraine processed to 12.000 pairs of socks
23. September 2022/by Jörg Gastmann
BAFATEX donates 750 kg Cotton Yarn for Ukraine
29. August 2022/by Jörg Gastmann
BAFA-laid scrims in Fischer Sports new High-End Ski
28. April 2019/by Jörg Gastmann
Mid-sized company award: BAFATEX on shortlist
28. April 2019/by Jörg Gastmann
BAFATEX fosters scholarship funds of technical university Aachen
28. April 2019/by Jörg Gastmann
Solemn inauguration of new Bafatex Building
Wipperfuerth, May 5th 2017
After about 18 months of construction,…
24. November 2017/by Jörg GastmannAfter about 18 months of construction,…